
Bon Cabe Teri 50 gr


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SKU: Ref-191 Categories: , Tags: ,


Product. BonCabe is the first Sambal Powder in Indonesia made from real chili the best choice to accompany your eating activities to be more ‘spicy’. Not only spicy, the mixture of nusantara spices in the process of processing BonCabe also supports the taste of BonCabe becomes more delicious and steady.

COMPOSITION: Anchoic Fish (21%), Wheat Flour, Fried Shallots, Dried Chilies (22.5%), Salt, Flavor Boosters (Mononatrium L-Glutamate, Dinatrium 5′-Guanilat), Caster Sugar, Vegetable Oil, Garlic Powder, Lime Leaves

exp date : 18-08-2022

Additional information

Weight 0,07 kg
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